I spent like 2 days getting nautilus shells for a conduit and now that i made one i dont know what to build. I feel empty inside. I could build a sunken city, but theres not really a reason to go back to it after its built. I need something practical, or interactive.

In my village, i built a pub where the cleric works. And a library for the librarian and cartographer and stuff. But i cant think of anything to actually do underwater. What have you guys done underwater? Id like to hear ideas

by samwitch645


  1. thebungahero on

    I just built some decorated houses underwater. Complete with furniture and carpeting to hang in sometimes. Maybe make a pineapple under the sea?

  2. NoSignificance24 on

    Yeah I built a lil house complete with all the furnishings. Even put some soul sand in chimney for bubbles lol

  3. patrick119 on

    I had a base that had a deep hole with water at the bottom. Under the water were tunnels that led to my beacons that were at bedrock so I could switch out the buffs if I wanted. It was also a secondary access to the different levels of my mine.

    I tried to have room in the center that was surround by enough water that I could keep endermen there without them teleporting out, but I think I was missing a nearby cave.

  4. Redstoneready64 on

    an ancient building dedicatde to keeping the conduit

    Edit: i just read what u said about wanting something useful, this might not be the right thing.

    Edit 2: you could do this but with a drowned farm inside?

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